Competence & Experience

Building Systems (IBS)
A leader in indoor network deployment, Lemcon has deployed thousands of network elements in the Philippines in the last 20 years. With more than eight offices in the Philippines, Lemcon delivers services to all provinces and supports deployment and maintenance nationwide.

Indoor Network Design
Experienced IBWave Design© personnel deliver the most efficient antenna layouts to meet the indoor requirements, on coverage and quality. Multiple technologies share infrastructure to reduce building deployment costs and reduces the disruption to the site.

Telecom Rooms
Lemcon personnel have 20 years’ experience designing and building the telecom rooms. DC power systems are effectively deployed. Combiner infrastructure allowing multiple operator connections are facilitated and supported by meters and sensors.

Acquisition & Permitting
Lemcon site acquisition experts work in close collaboration with Building Management and the Local Government Units to build agreements and to put local permits in place. Lemcon manages all stages of applications and licenses.

Lemcon sets the highest standards in indoor deployment. From the site kick-off meeting to project end, Lemcon works with the building management to complete quickly. Lemcon has the inhouse skills for electrical work, cable pulling and antenna installation. With more than 300 employees and its leading training programs, Lemcon is prepared for the market needs.

Lemcon is an experienced installation service provider for enterprise grade wi-fi, small cell active networks, indoor passive networks and modern active indoor solutions. IoT sensors and Zigbee are supported indoors while macro access sites and transmission solution are deployed to the buildings.

Shared Indoor Sites
Philippine networks are transforming to shared telecom infrastructure and Lemcon is leading the way to support site acquisition, site deployment and site maintenance. Lemcon is the national leader in deployment of mixed indoor technologies; quickly, economically and to the highest installation standards.

Survey and Layout
Lemcon produces high-quality technical site surveys, collecting all the information needed to plan network deployment. From checking power availability through cable access, the information needed to deploy the network is available to the client early in the planning process.

Refurbishment & Repurposing
Existing room installations are refurbished, removing unwanted equipment and updating the facilities. Reducing the space occupied by legacy installations by combining alarm systems, grooming cables and installing new equipment for deployment of modern CDAS and active indoor networks.
Competence & Experience
Technical Support
The Lemcon NOC provides 24/7 support to teams in the field. Lemcon has developed remote systems to monitor progress and quality remotely, reducing the time to market and ensuring the networks are ready for lease to the MNO as soon as they are deployed. This technical support then supports the maintenance when the network is in use.
Full Service
Lemcon is an end-to-end service provider, importing its own materials to support deployment and storing these materials in high quality warehouses. Lemcon has its own teams for survey and design and then delivery of the equipment and deployment on site. Lemcon personnel perform site acquisition and permitting and site acceptance by clients and building management.